Xchange 2015
[International Residency]
Presented by Arts House and Taipei Arts Festival
A cultural and practice exchange between artists, audiences and their cities.
For Dance Massive 2015, three artists from Taiwan will join three Melbourne artists to explore our city, one another’s practice, and new directions for solo performance. Selected through an EOI process in 2014, all six will be brought together for the first time during Dance Massive, at a residency to develop their works.
Public talks, dinners and showings will occupy the final week of the residency, with an open studio program from March 12 to 14. In August 2015 the Melbourne artists will travel to Taipei and continue the exchange with a performance season as part of the 2015 Taipei
Arts Festival.
Initiated by: Fragment 31 / Leisa Shelton (Melbourne) with Century Contemporary Dance, Shu-Fen Yao (Taipei).
Performed by: Lee Tsung-hsuan, Melanie Lane, Wu Yu-Hsien, Peter Fraser, Tien Hsiao-Tzu, Natalie Abbott
eXchange 2015
2015 台澳舞蹈交流計畫
2014年,台灣台北與澳洲莫爾本雙城對外開放進行藝術家甄選,雙邊各選拔出3位優秀有為的年輕藝術家。2015年春季,台灣台北3位代表藝術家將前往澳洲墨爾本與當地另外3位藝術家會合,除深入了解墨爾本當地藝術發展外,更相互進行創作觀察,發展出新的獨舞作品。為期3周的eXchange 2015駐村計畫中,藝術家們將參與諸多公開講座、餐敘及觀摩其他Dance Massive藝術節演出,最終,藝術家們的獨舞作品也將於3月12日至14日在Dance Massive藝術節中進行首次發表。
此計畫由世紀當代舞團姚淑芬總監 (台北)及Fragment31 Leisa Shelton (墨爾本) 所發起
參與藝術家為田孝慈、李宗軒、吳郁嫻(台北) 及Natalie Abbott、Peter Fraser、Melanie Lane (墨爾本)
eXchange MELBOURNE 2015
Residency Period: 23 February – 15 March 2015
Open Studio Program: 12 – 14 March 2015
Venue: Arts House North Melbourne Town Hall, Melbourne
今年的臺北藝術節不只要當編創最佳伸展台,還與墨爾本Art House協力推手,看本地新秀鬥舞不稀奇,雙城好手較勁才過癮!世紀當代舞團與澳洲藝術團體Fragment 31各自推派三位藝術家:田孝慈、李宗軒、吳郁嫺、Melanie Lane、Natalie Abbott、Peter Fraser,每人提出15分鐘作品登場,是舞力交鋒,也是精銳交流,有擅長街舞拼貼影像,有編創詭譎乖張;有人肢體如蟲,也有人彈跳如脫兔。不拘主題、創意無界,在舞蹈裡,身體就是你最好的表達,跳舞不用翻譯!
This August, Century Contemporary Dance Company and Fragment 31 will come together to present “eXchange”, with three artists from Melbourne and three from Taipei exchanging practice, culture and the experience of life in these two cities. The Taipei season is the continuation of a three week residency in Melbourne with Arts House as part of Dance Massive in February of this year. In this second stage the six artists will continue to eXchange ideas and practice toward six new solos to be presented as one performance work. It is a dialogue between cities, artists and cultures, inviting us all to consider what makes us uniquely separate and draws us together at the same time.